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Lucent Productions is an freelance video production company focused in action sports but with additional experience in a wide range of video production from commercial to wedding videography.

Friday, May 29, 2009

See no Evil.

I hadn't touched editing in quite some time....and I think I'm making up for it this week in a big way. I shot for the MS/Evil Bikes race team @ the US Open, ate some delicious indian food courtesy of Evil Marketing Manager Todd Seplavy, and learned how rad Steve Smith is on and off the bike. The kid likes movie quotes, cooking in his undies, and italian ice. Oh, and he loves his mom.

Evil Bikes - 2009 US Open from Lucent Productions on Vimeo.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Open season.

Memorial day weekend can only mean one thing on the East Coast mtn bike scene. US Open.
Diablo Freeride park played host again to the US Open of Mountain Biking for another year (I honestly lost count, maybe 6th?). Some of last years masses were off at Angelfire to scoop up some UCI points, but those in attendance were in for another gem of a race.

I had teetered on the idea of not going this year due to being broke as a joke, but some last minute video work made my decision quite easy.

Rolled into town Thurs just in time to catch up with Todd Seplavy and Steve Smith and we hiked up the mountain for a course walk!

US Open Course Walk - Presented by Evil Bikes from Lucent Productions on Vimeo.

In typical US Open fashion, Friday was a hot and sticky 90 degree day, followed by some showers for Sat's practice and qualifiers.

Last year's dual slalom event had been replaced with a Giant Slalom event this year. The berm ridden woods from 08 were now improved and groomed for 09, providing an amazing display of berm exploding by the likes of Lopes, Fairclough, and good ol Sam Hill (thats not a knife....this is a knife). Brendon took home the win, with Sam right in tow. According to Specialized team manager Sean Heimdel, Brendon gave Sam part of the winnings so that they can remain facebook friends.

Mother nature decided to eff with Pros on Sunday by rolling in an apocalyptic storm during Amateur finals which meant Pro Men and Women's race runs would be delayed a good hr and a half. Riders were succumed to a blind crapshoot run a course that hadnt been ridden all weekend in the slop. Most managed a folly here and there, along with some the top guys making it through most of the course only to eat a face full of mud on the open grass corners at the finish. Sammy Hill redeemed himself with a win after being eeked out by Steve Smith last year, and a flat bonanza the year before.

So enough jibbah jabbah, here's the recap video:

2009 US Open Downhill and Giant Slalom - Presented by Lucent Productions from Litter Mag on Vimeo.

Check back later in the week (most likely friday) for the Evil Bikes US Open vid.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Slow and Steady.

I'm pretty bad at finishing projects. Not even just bike related projects. For example, there was a hole that needed to be patched in my living room after some new wiring jazz was installed. I think the hole was made in November, and I think the patch job finished sometime in February. Some might call it procrastination, I call it....well, procrastination.

But sometimes I get this flash of insipiration and motivation to get something done, and that fire under my arse was finally sparked last week. (partially)

I took me a week and about 3 trips to Home Depot to find all the right supplies, and only an afternoon to build.

A run down of the parts list cost:
PVC pipe: $7.50 for 2 10' sections
Hardware: $15
Angle Aluminum: $18
Wheels & bearings: $15 (I must note that this a rare price. I randomly found them at Toys R Us on some clearance rack for 70% off)
Plywood: Free.

So for under $60, I present you with the new Lucent Dolly. Still need to figure out a better way to keep the pvc peices together, but it works for now. I took it up to Highland this past sat and should hopefully have a sample video soon.